Tuesday, July 1, 2008


It's a secret I have held from almost everyone, except Josh. And now I'm posting it out there for the world to see... hoping that news doesn't get around. Most likely it will not, because I haven't seen anyone view my blogs. So, here I go.

I think I have cancer. Yes, dare I say it, and I have become quite afraid in a matter of ten minutes. But I should have done my research much sooner and now I know I have to see the doctor relatively soon. When I have had sex, I tend to bleed, actually about 98% of the time do I bleed. And not always even the sex, it could've been beforehand while I've been fingered. But I researched it, and a few people claimed that you should go see a doctor right away to get it checked out. It may be a cyst (which I am barely familiar with the name), and unnatural bleeding inside the uterus. Or wherever it may occur, I still have some things to find out. But it's not a sexually transmitted disease, because Josh and I were each others first, and we haven't slept with anyone else. I am just worried sick.

I am praying to God that it is nothing that I will truly have to worry about and it can be treated. I don't want to have to confess the news to my parents that I have been sexually active. But mostly, I don't want to die from a cancer like this. I have had sex so many times too, which makes me even more worrisome.

I am just hoping that I can become healthy and they can fix the problem. Please God, be on my side. It may be ironic to ask, but I have been told God will forgive you of your sins. And that is what I'm begging for now.

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